Journal of Neurology Research, ISSN 1923-2845 print, 1923-2853 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Neurol Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 1, Number 2, June 2011, pages 48-58

Functional Level During the First Year After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Course and Predictors of Outcome


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Individual FIM scores in moderate and severe TBI patients.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. The distribution of GOSE outcome in moderate and severe TBI patients.


Table 1. Pre-Analyses of Patient Characteristics in Relation to FIM 12 Months After Injury
PredictorN (%)FIM 12 months (SD)Corr*P-value
Numbers are given as mean values if not otherwise indicated. M/F: Male/Female; PTA: Post-Traumatic Amnesia; LOS acute: Length of Stay acute hospitalization; LOS rehab: Length of Stay in rehabilitation hospital; GCS acute: Glasgow Coma Scale acute hospitalization; GCS rehab: Glasgow Coma Scale in rehabilitation hospital; FIM Adm/Disch: Functional Independence Measure Admission/Discharge. * Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation. N = 63 due to missing FIM values in 2 out of 65 subjects. Missing 17 responses in the education predictor. Missing 11 responses in the complication predictor.
Place of acute care
  Regional hospital48 (76)113 (± 26)0.229
  Level 1 trauma center15 (24)119 (± 21)
Rehab team (yes/no)50 (79)/13 (21)112 (± 28)/125 (± 4)0.101
Gender M/F48 (76)/15 (24)115 (± 23)/111 (± 32)0.280
Age63 (100)-0.0720.575
Civil status (alone/live with)30 (48)/32 (52)117 (± 19)/112 (± 30)0.670
Education (< 12/≥ 12)24 (52)/22 (48)116 (± 25)/122 (± 17)0.943
Alcohol/drug (yes/no)17 (16)/43 (26)120 (± 16)/113 (± 26)0.140
Other injuries (none/≥ 1)38 (60)/25 (40)121 (± 16)/110 (± 29)0.067
Complications (none/≥ 1)15 (29)/37 (71)117(± 19)/106 (± 36)0.015
Injury severity
  Moderate TBI21 (33)123 (± 13)< 0.001
  Severe TBI42 (66)110 (± 29)
Injury mechanism
  Traffic accidents32 (51)114 (± 28)0.424
  Falling23 (37)112 (± 25)
Violence, sports, other8 (13)126 (± 1)
Injury localization
  Frontal17 (28)115 (± 25)0.699
  Non-frontal43 (72)116 (± 23)
PTA duration (days)63 (100)-0.512< 0.001
LOS acute63 (100)-0.357< 0.004
LOS rehab63 (100)-0.397< 0.001
GCS acute62 (100)-0.377< 0.002
GCS rehab63 (100)0.536< 0.001
FIM adm63 (100)0.588< 0.001
FIM disch63 (100)0.708< 0.001


Table 2. Results of Multiple Regression Analysis With FIM
VariableB Coefficient (95% CI)P-value
Adjusted R Square for the model: 0.474. *Number of patients, N = 63.
Constant32.195 (-7.673 - 72.062)0.111
Gender-8.013 (-19.313 - 3.286)0.161
PTA duration-0.211 (-0.391 - -0.031)0.022
LOS rehab0.419 (0.059 - 0.778)0.023
GCS rehab5.234 (2.476 - 7.993)< 0.001
FIM adm0.180 (-0.082 - 0.441)0.174


Table 3. Functional Measures at Admission, Discharge and 12 Months After Moderate or Severe TBI
Adm rehab. (± SD)Disch rehab. (± SD)12 months (± SD)P-value
Values are given as mean if not otherwise specified. FIM total: Functional Independence Measure total score (best score 126); FIM-M: FIM Motor sub-score (best score 91); FIM-COG: Cognitive sub-score (best score 35). P-values are given with post hoc Bonferroni correction. * N = 42 at 12 months follow-up. ** P-value between adm rehab and disch rehab. *** P-value between adm rehab and 12 months follow-up. **** P-value between disch rehab and 12 months follow-up.
Moderate TBI (n = 21)
  FIM total109 (± 21)124 (± 3)123 (± 13)0.005**
  FIM-M82 (± 15)91 (± 9)89 (± 9)0.018**
  FIM-COG27 (± 8)33 (± 3)34 (± 4)< 0.001**
< 0.001***
Severe TBI (n = 44*)
  FIM total81 (± 5)101 (± 5)113 (± 29)< 0.001**
< 0.001***
  FIM-M60 (± 4)75 (± 4)83 (± 4)< 0.001**
< 0.001***
  FIM-COG22 (± 2)28 (± 2)29 (± 2)0.005**
< 0.001***